
an opinionated static site generator written in Typescript.

Source Code Documentation Site (this needs a little updating.)

Is it ready for production use? It’s ready in the sense that I personally use it. But it’s very much a tool that’s made by me, for me, and thus might not be suited to your needs.


  • HTML templating, layouts, and partials using JS template strings.
  • Write pages in a Markdown subset, or with HTML.
  • flat file content structure. Builds the site in the exact structure as the source content, unless you change it.
  • image processing via Graphicsmagick to make web-ready images
  • as few dependencies as possible - most tools are created as subdirectories, and only uses npm packages that have zero dependencies of their own for text content. (Processing images and media requires more packages)

There’s a Roadmap in place for updating Wanderer, but there is no set update schedule.


  • For image compression to work properly, your computer needs both gm (Graphicsmagick) and pngquant installed and on the path.

build log