Arms Race

A game about alien technology, the lengths people go for health care, and a giant robotic arm. It is also loosely related to the myth of Sisyphus.

It was originally designed as a bullet-hell shooter, and has since been adapted into a stage play. Unfortunately, this happened right at the start of the 2020 pandemic, so there wasn’t a chance to actually stage the play. Instead, I opted to stage it within the Unity game engine, and create a mildly interactive, virtual play.

The script is written, though further edits may be made. The Unity staging of the play was developed to the end of the first scene, and development stopped there. All information regarding the development of the play is now collected into documents, which are shared here. Unfortunately, the number of assets and plugins I used makes sharing the source code impossible, so all I have here are notes:

Postmortems and Learnings

Build Log