The things I used to make Arms Race

This is a fairly exhaustive list, from beginning to end.

Original Prototype

The 2D bullet-hell prototype was made in Godot Engine. There was a module for creating bullet patterns that I was investigating, but I don’t remember how deeply I integrated it into that demo.

Scripting & Drafting

I wrote the original script in Fountain using my regular text editor, VS Code.

Storyboards were initially drawn on Procreate on an iPad, then exported over to Storyboarder to figure out timings.

Creating the play

The play was staged in Unity 2020. I used Blender for 3D modeling, and FMOD as the audio engine. I didn’t end up creating any textures or materials, so don’t have a workflow for them.

There were numerous plugins I used for those programs, which I’ll list here:


Auto-Rig Pro - addon to create and animate rigs. This helped a lot with creating actors and their animations.

Asset Creation Toolkit - for exporting non-rigged models to FBX. Also very useful for defining multiple models in a single blend file and exporting them all as separate FBX files.

Hard Ops / Boxcutter - tooling I already had somewhere to make mechanical-looking props


I used the Universal Render Pipeline. The project also extensively used the Timeline feature.

SerializableDictionary - dictionaries that appear in the Unity inspector

NaughtyAttributes - for adding buttons to test functionality in the Unity inspector

Signals - signals for passing data around the play

Custom Hierarchy - the stage play scene got very cluttered, this helped make it easier to look at.

DOTween - tweening library, primarily for UI animations

A* Pathfinding Project - for actor movement. I used the free version.

UMotion Pro - authoring animations that interacted with the stage.

Sci-Fi Effects - lasers and explosions

Volumetric Lights - for spotlights. It was surprisingly hard to find one that worked with URP.

ProBuilder - building out the stage

Kinematic Character Controller - another asset I’d had for a while, used to create the actor controllers.

Cinemachine - camera controls

TextMesh Pro - UI and Dialogue

External Assets

I used Sketchfab and OpenGameArt to find 3D models and assets that I could legally use for this project.

I used Mixamo to source most of my animations. Auto-Rig Pro has a tool to retarget animations to different rigs, which was very helpful.

All sound effects were sourced from SONNISS’s GDC Audio Packs.