February 25, 2024


Hello, it’s been a while. I let this site go a little, but in my defense my life has been fairly hectic as of late. You can read most of my life updates in the first 2024 update, which is slightly a cheat because it’s actually from the last day of 2023.


I work at Figma as a graphics engineer for my day job. I’ve been here for about six months now!


I will be attending Game Developer’s Conference in San Francisco in March. As a result, I’ll be in San Francisco from March 11 - March 23.

Recent Work

Global Game Jam 2024

I participated in GGJ this year, and made a game with Sam Lee called Screeble Deeble Deeble. It’s a strange little RPG battle game which somewhat resembles Paper Mario’s action command system, except it’s all in real-time. I did the systems programming.

Using React in the Godot Game Engine

I gave a talk this month (on Valentine’s Day!) on creating a React renderer for Godot, which slides and code you can find here.

Other Updates

Game Development

I’m still working heavily on Desert Angels, which I’ve been developing part-time for several months now. Unfortunately, I still don’t have a teaser page for the game yet, which I’m working on. I’m at the point now where I’ve definitely entered actual production, and have an art direction as well as a few private demos that I’ve been showing to friends, but it still feels like there’s a long way to go!

As I’ve been putting a lot of time into Desert Angels, I haven’t been working on as many side projects, hence the somewhat radio silence between July until 2024. No planned release date yet, as there’s still a lot I don’t know. I’m hoping to enter it into the Seattle Indies Expo this year, though, which has a deadline of June!